Community is at the heart of every village, town and city and it is people who are empowered and engaged with others that create a thriving community.

Over the past couple of decades, the community has slowly been eroded away by a more individualistic culture as this has caused more division.

What used to be the heart of the community? It was places like farms, local trades people and festivals that brought people together for a common purpose.

Here at Sow & Grow, we are teaming up with people throughout the UK to regenerate and reinvigorate the community spirit through the shared love of food and nature.

Holistic Coaching

Essentially, we all have what we need to be able to live a regenerative life-growing our own food, building local communities, caring for our land and taking responsibility for our own wellbeing. I believe that in order to do this we need to see that the solutions to all our problems are within us.

Many of the obstacles and barriers we experience as adults are a result of us being out of natural balance. Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, as well as our social interactions are interconnected. Ultimately all of these obstacles we experience are rooted within the connection to ourselves, others and to natural cycles of life.

To live more simply is the key to health and happiness. Being in synergy with nature empowers us to learn more about ourselves and what we truly want, rather than fulfilling the expectations of others or ourselves that are based on an unbalanced societal paradigm.

What is Holistic Coaching?

I provide a Regenerative & Holistic service which is grounded in an holistic approach to finding the solutions within ourselves. Firstly we must establish what is important to making us happy and healthy (our values) and then take courageous steps to get us there.

In society we have been taught that we need to do more, achieve more, contribute through paying our taxes, leave it to the experts, trust authority. I am sure if you are reading this, then you have some idea that this isn’t the only way to live. In fact if you follow this path you will probably die with regret, wishing you had truly lived.

When we are children we are free to a certain extent to explore, make mistakes, express our emotions and feelings and be curious. What happens as we grow and become more conditions to the norms and expectations of society we lose this playful attitude and end up settling into what is expected of us. Those that don’t are vilified and then quite often go to the extremes of criminality, immorality and narcissism.

How do we recharge our lives with this playful, curious nature and also have a sense of purpose? This is where reconnecting and discovering your connection to the natural world comes into play. When we go back to our root and be in the heart, we can create an amazing world. The more in rhythm we are with our true self to more aligned we become with our purpose, the more content we feel, the more empowered we become and as we dance along our journey, we will meet exactly who we need to and transform, let go and regenerate our lives to a new level.

All of the obstacles that prevent us from achieving our life goals are actually rooted within our mindset. Once we have established our values and our actions are aligned, we can open up the vast and infinite creative potential within us and shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance.

If you want to live a regenerative life, that is balanced, holistic and aligned with your own vision and values then you can take the first step and start creating abundance, health and value in your life and beyond.

Synergy with the Land

If we are to regenerate the land and oceans, then we need to collaborate with nature and give it a helping hand. It is this partnering with and learning from nature that will allow us to speed up the process.

The health and happiness of human beings is in direct relation to the environment that we live in. When we have beautiful natural surroundings we instantly feel better, our life force is supported by this relationship to nature. When we are in artificial surroundings our emotional, mental and physical state are effected quite dramatically. This is supported by the fact that mental health issues are higher when people are not connected to and surrounded by natural settings.

In order to benefit from and contribute to nature we need to give ourselves the space, time and energy to connect with our inner nature. We can do this in many ways to gradually take us step by step towards a healthier, happier and more abundant life.

Creating a regenerative mindset and heart space will allow us to find that connection within ourselves. Once we have started on this journey, we can begin to create the environment that our heart desires. This may mean a drastic transformation- moving home, changing career or finding a new community. You can also create your vision right where you are now.

Through this inner transformation, we can find our purpose-this can become our contribution to our community.

Then we can create biodiverse, healthy and abundant food systems and communities, localised services and manufacturing, where the power and influence will rest directly with those who contribute and benefit.

The first step is to seek within what we seek without and transform our vision into reality.